April Chapter Meeting
Retirees Chapter 2025
Greetings to the membership:
Details of April meeting
Time: Wednesday, April 2nd, 10 a.m.
Lunch: Sandwiches, Caesar Salad, Chips, Pickles & Cookies.
Guest Speaker: Treva Murray from Beck Hearing will speak to the group about diagnosing hearing loss and steps that can aid some who suffers from it.
PLEASE NOTE: If you will be staying for lunch, please let us know so we have an idea of how much food will be needed.
The precautions to ensure everyone’s safety from COVID-19 will remain in effect for the foreseeable future.
We will be asking the membership to monitor their own health and NOT attend meetings if they feel ill.
We will ask members with compromised health to seriously consider if they feel the risk of Covid justifies their attendance.
We will be making available a small supply of N95 masks for those members who wish to attend but who may feel their health places them at higher-than-normal risk or who have a fear of infecting a spouse or grandchildren.
We will continue to monitor and observe suggestions from the Middlesex-London Health Unit and our Local 27 executive.
We will send out reminders through March
Please remember to RSVP your intention to attend the meeting and/or stay for lunch.
Hope to see you all on April 2nd
Till then, have a great 2025, stay safe
Your Executive
Wednesday, April 2, 2025
10:00am - 12:00pm