Unifor Local 27 Retirees Chapter

Retired from the job, but not the fight

April Chapter Meeting


Retirees Chapter 2025

Greetings to the membership:


Details of April meeting

Time: Wednesday, April 2nd, 10 a.m.

Lunch: Sandwiches, Caesar Salad, Chips, Pickles & Cookies.

Guest Speaker: Treva Murray from Beck Hearing will speak to the group about diagnosing hearing loss and steps that can aid some who suffers from it.



PLEASE NOTE: If you will be staying for lunch, please let us know so we have an idea of how much food will be needed.


The precautions to ensure everyone’s safety from COVID-19 will remain in effect for the foreseeable future.

  • We will be asking the membership to monitor their own health and NOT attend meetings if they feel ill.

  • We will ask members with compromised health to seriously consider if they feel the risk of Covid justifies their attendance.

  • We will be making available a small supply of N95 masks for those members who wish to attend but who may feel their health places them at higher-than-normal risk or who have a fear of infecting a spouse or grandchildren.

  • We will continue to monitor and observe suggestions from the Middlesex-London Health Unit and our Local 27 executive.


We will send out reminders through March

Please remember to RSVP your intention to attend the meeting and/or stay for lunch.


Hope to see you all on April 2nd

Till then, have a great 2025, stay safe


Your Executive


Wednesday, April 2, 2025
10:00am - 12:00pm


606 First St, London, ON N5V 2A2, Canada